About us
Since 2014, BERLIN GEGEN NAZIS has been keeping people in Berlin up to date on creative ways of getting involved in the protest against right-wing extremism, racism, and anti-Semitism.
BERLIN GEGEN NAZIS is a platform mobilizing and informing a continuously growing network of more than sixty partners from the full spectrum of contemporary arts, culture, economics, sports, children’s and youth services, unions, non-profits, and charities, self-organized migrant’s initiatives and their protagonists and alliances. BERLIN GEGEN NAZIS provides hands-on support with developing creative campaigns for successful protest events and helps with suggestions on how to make taking a stance against extremism, racism, and anti-Semitism an everyday reality.
Employing the full variety of common social media channels as well as their own custom-made smartphone app with integrated mapping technology, BERLIN GEGEN NAZIS informs about current events, news, and developments of registered right-wing extremist demonstrations or planned counter protest events, with thoroughly researched and fact-checked reports in several languages. Live reporting and documentation of successful protest events by BERLIN GEGEN NAZIS help to foster the visibility of the city’s democratic civic culture.
BERLIN GEGEN NAZIS supports those who wish to live in a city courageous to show its solidarity with humans and human rights once public space is threatened by the contempt of neo-Nazis, racists, or anti-Semites.
Our sponsors

Our Network
arts & culture
children’s & youth services
companies & businesses
non-profits & charities
unions & institutions
As a sports club, theatre, youth center, a Berlin-based business, or any other institution in Berlin, simply get in touch with us. Email us at info@berlin-gegen-nazis.de, we will get back to you to set up an appointment to discuss the best way for you to position yourself.
Each of us can start to take action individually in many ways. Share our posts against right-wing extremism and racism via facebook or twitter, set up a date with a friend to join an announced and registered protest event, be aware of what is happening around you in Berlin. Our custom-built app filters all announced right-wing extremist events in and around Berlin as well as the respective counter protest events. A first step to take action is to be in the know on time. Our website section [Positionieren / Protestieren (LINK)] contains further suggestions and ideas for your individual action plan against neo-Nazis.