Berliner Kältehilfe

Berliner Kältehilfe

Berliner Kältehilfe has been offering homeless people protection from the cold since 1989. As an association of church parishes, welfare organizations, independent sponsors and the City State of Berlin, we are committed to ensuring that no person in Berlin has to freeze to death – because every life is worth protecting, regardless of origin, gender or religion.

As the coordinating office of Berliner Kältehilfe, throughout the year, we are responsible for planning and developing locations in order to provide the required sleeping accommodation capacities for homeless people at the beginning of the cold season.

In doing so, we work closely with the State of Berlin, represented by the Senate Department for Integration, Labor and Social Affairs and the Berlin district offices, and with real estate owners or their management companies. For new or already committed partners, we offer various consulting and support services.

Those affected as well as people who wish to support them receive comprehensive information about the numerous services offered by Berliner Kältehilfe through the Berliner Kältehilfe phone help line, Berliner Kältehilfe information guide, and Berliner Kältehilfe App.

The coordination office of Berliner Kältehilfe is a project of GEBEWO pro gGmbH.