Successful protests against neo-Nazi march in Friedrichshain
On December 14, neo-Nazis wanted to march through Friedrichshain and Lichtenberg. Broad protests opposed the march. In the end, the march had to be called off. … Continue reading
On December 14, neo-Nazis wanted to march through Friedrichshain and Lichtenberg. Broad protests opposed the march. In the end, the march had to be called off. … Continue reading
Saturday, November 9, 2024, Berlin – From November 9 to 10, 1938, direct and targeted acts of violence against the Jewish population began in Germany. That night, more than a thousand people were murdered, a further 30,000 were deported and arrested, Jewish stores were looted and destroyed, synagogues were burned down and … Continue reading
A broadly supported rally for an open-minded society based on solidarity made a statement at the Lustgarten gardens in Mitte on October 3. … Continue reading