Fussball gegen Nazis


Tolerance, fair play, and respect are vital to social interaction, in football as everywhere else. That is why neo-Nazis and all forms of discrimination have no space in sports. However, there are still such incidents in the stadia and around them. We would like to create a place where more people are encouraged to support tolerance, fair play, and respect in football by providing continuous reports and foster animated discussions.

The web portal informs on neo-Nazis, racism, anti-Semitism, Anti-Romanyism, and homophobia in football, and on initiatives against such forms of discrimination. Furthermore, we would like to offer the opportunity to discuss people’s experience with these forms of discrimination and enable exchange and contact with people engaged against them. Case examples provide those seeking advice with hands-on suggestions and tips to motivate more people to stand up against hatred in football.

We appreciate “Berlin gegen Nazis” for collecting campaigns against right-wing extremism, making them better known in the city. Because hatred and discrimination are not issues exclusive to football!

Webside: fussball-gegen-nazis.de