Deutscher Gewerkschaftsbund

Deutscher Gewerkschaftsbund

The Confederation of German Trade Unions supports “Berlin gegen Nazis”.

The Confederation of German Trade Unions (DGB) and its member unions stand for a liberal and fair society, in which family origin and skin color, religious or political views, social background or sexual orientation shall not be a cause of prejudices.

All people have equal dignity and the right to participate in the society. This is what we strive to realize, in businesses and in administration just as well as in politics and public life.

Discrimination and exclusion, racism and right-wing extremism have to be nipped in the bud. In this country, Nazis may never again have the opportunity to either appear blaring in the streets or spread their hatred in more subtle ways.

Freedom, justice, and solidarity are our fundamental values. We actively confront old Nazis and Neo-Nazis alike.