All posts by bgn_2

Regular conspiracy ideological gatherings in Berlin

February 23 to 28, 2021, Berlin: In the winter of 2020, several minor conspiracy ideological gatherings have been taking root in Berlin, which will continue to take place on a regular or sporadic basis in 2021. In this continuously updated article we inform about the respective upcoming announcements or calls. … Continue reading »

Broad protests against a neo-Nazi march in Hohenschönhausen

Update 9 +++ Saturday, October 3, 2020, Berlin, 11:00 – The right-wing extremist party “Der III. Weg” has announced a march from 14:00 to 20:00 in Berlin. The route leads through a residential area in Hohenschönhausen (Lichtenberg). Broad protests against the neo-Nazi march of local and Berlin-wide alliances will start from … Continue reading »

Berlin gegen Nazis goes to the movies

In the past, Berlin against Nazis has supported extensive civil society protests against right-wing extremism, anti-Semitism and racism – and has documented them on film, among other things. From this film footage, we now compiled a trailer to be screened at the cinema. Berlin gegen Nazis is very happy that cinemas can open … Continue reading »