All posts by bgn_2

Coming Up: Third “Offenes Neukölln” Festival

Against the background of an ongoing series of right-wing extremist assaults commencing in 2016, the festival “Offenes Neukölln” will take place for the third time from May 24 to 26, 2019. The festival gives all Berliners the opportunity to set a signal of solidarity with those affected by the assaults. … Continue reading »

Two demonstrations for a solidary Europe

Sunday, May 19, 2019, 12:00, Rosa-Luxemburg-Platz in Mitte: Unite and Shine Parade by Die Vielen under the slogan “for a Europe of the Many” and simultaneously 12:00 at Alexanderplatz in Mitte, demonstration of a broad alliance of initiatives of civic society under the slogan “One Europe for All” against nationalism. … Continue reading »

The end of Bärgida? – A review

In January 2015, under the name “Bärgida” – derived from the Dresden-based “Pegida” –, the first so-called evening walk took place in Berlin-Mitte. It has since recurred each Monday. From the start, Berlin gegen Nazis accompanied the protests against the racists, neo-Nazis, right-wing football fans, and xenophobes, who arrived … Continue reading »