Two demonstrations for a solidary Europe

Sunday, May 19, 2019, 12:00, Rosa-Luxemburg-Platz in Mitte: Unite and Shine Parade by Die Vielen under the slogan “for a Europe of the Many” and simultaneously 12:00 at Alexanderplatz in Mitte, demonstration of a broad alliance of initiatives of civic society under the slogan “One Europe for All” against nationalism.

Preceding the upcoming European elections, Berlin’s civic society wishes to set a signal against nationalism, exclusion, racism, and the restrictions of artistic freedom in Europe.

May 19, 2019, 12:00, Rosa-Luxemburg-Platz

Poster – Die Vielen, May 19, 2019

The Association of the Many was founded in 2017, and organized a first shiny parade in June 2017 to counter protest the rightwing-extremist march of the “Identitarian” movement, followed by a large parade under the slogan “Glänzen statt Ausgrenzen” in May 2018.

The Declaration of the Many, issued in 2018, united almost all of Berlin’s cultural scene. The undersigned organizations declare to actively foster democratic culture.

In the course of their campaign to establish a nation-wide declaration, The Many call to join their Unite and Shine parade on May 19, 2019. It will be held under the slogan “Unite & Shine – Für ein Europa der Vielen! Solidarität statt Privilegien. Die Kunst bleibt frei”. The parade is scheduled to run parallel to the large demonstration “One Europe for All” and lead through Berlin’s city center, with both demonstrations ending united. The call states:

The restriction of artistic freedom in European countries such as Turkey and Russia, as well as within the European Union in Hungary or Poland, is already a bitter reality. Threats against artistic freedom are also not unrealistic in Italy or Austria. Artistic freedom in Germany and other EU countries could become endangered when nationalistic or right-wing authoritarian political parties become a part of governing coalitions.

The countries of the European Union themselves represent a diversity of lifestyles and cultures. Their political structure must be supported by the idea of a Europe of the many. A solidary Europe that does not increasingly seal itself off, but instead provides safe access for people from non-European countries that want to live here.

May 19, 2019, 12:00 Alexanderplatz 

Poster “Ein Europa für Alle” May 19, 2019 

A nation-wide alliance initiated by large NGOs such as Campact, Pro Asyl, Attac, Mehr Demokratie and Naturfreunde, the Seebrücke movement as well as the Paritätischer Wohlfahrtsverband together with a large circle of supporters from further NGOs, trade unions, initiatives, associations, and political parties call to join their large demonstration through Berlin’s city center as part of the Europe-wide action campaign under the slogan “One Europe for All”. A strong signal shall be set against the shift to the political right in Europa and for a future of solidarity. The detailed program is yet to be published. 

In six further cities in Germany, simultaneous demonstrations will take place.

The call for the event in Berlin states: 

We stand opposed when contempt for humanity and racism are made socially acceptable, and hate and resentment against refugees and minorities are stirred up. We will not allow the rule of law and independent courts to be attacked, human rights and freedoms to be restricted and the right of asylum to be abolished.