Protests against anti-Semitism and the march on occasion of Quds Day in Charlottenburg

Saturday, June 1, 2019, from 12:00, City-West: The alliance against the march on occasion of Quds Day, "Initiativkreis gegen den Quds-Marsch" as well as the alliance "Antifaschistisches Berliner Bündnis gegen den Al Quds-Tag" call to join their protests against anti-Semitism.


The march on occasion of Quds Day under the slogan “Demonstration anlässlich des Quds-Tages” is scheduled to start at 14:00 at Adenauerplatz and will lead towards Wittenbergplatz. The annual march has served repeatedly as occasion for reported anti-Semitic incidents. The Department for Research and Information on anti-Semitism (RIAS) has published a detailed report on their website on occasion of the past year’s march .

Calls to protests against anti-Semitism on June 1st

The alliance Initiativkreis gegen den Quds-Marsch mobilizes to join their protest event on Saturday, June 1, 2019, at 15:30 under the slogan „Kein Islamismus und Antisemitismus in Berlin – Gegen den Quds-Marsch“ at George-Grosz-Platz in Berlin-Charlottenburg. The call states: 

Every year, on the last Friday of Ramadan, the Islamic month of fasting, radical Islamists and supporters of the dictatorship in Iran march through Berlin and call for the fight against Israel. They wish to conquer „al Quds“ (Quds being the Arabic name of Jerusalem) and destroy the Jewish State. 
That it is possible to march through the center of Berlin calling for the elimination of the world’s largest Jewish community, is unacceptable to us. We demonstrate in support of solidarity with Israel and protest any form of anti-Semitic and Islamist propaganda in Berlin. 

Furthermore, the alliance Antifaschistische Berliner Bündnis gegen den Al Quds-Tag is hosting a demonstration scheduled to start at 12:00 at subway station Wilmersdorfer Straße. The call for the demonstration under the slogan „Gegen jeden Antisemitismus“ states: 

Not only on Quds Day but on any day it is essential to oppose any form of sexism, patriarchy, anti-Semitism, and anti-Zionism.

Action map Quds-march, Saturday, June 1, 2019, Berlin-City West (subject to change)

  • Demonstration „Gegen jeden Antisemitismus“ by Antifaschistisches Berliner Bündnis gegen den Al Quds-Tag from 12:00 – starting point: U-Bhf. Wilmersdorfer Straße – Kantstraße – Kaiser-Friedrich-Straße – Lewishamstraße – Waitzstraße – final location: Kurfürstendamm 162
  • protest event George-Grosz-Platz from 15:30 “Kein Islamismus und Antisemitismus in Berlin – Gegen den Quds-Marsch“ 
  • Demonstration on occasion of Quds Day from 14:00 – starting point: Adenauer Platz – final location Wittenbergplatz

All information subject to change, current updates via twitter, hashtag: #keinqudstag