The series of assaults is targeted against individuals publicly engaged to struggle for refugee rights and against racism and right-wing extremism. Mobile Beratung gegen Rechtsextremismus Berlin – MBR keeps a dossier of the currently 55 cases in the series since 2016, with the most recent case involving death threats by still unknown offender(s). rbb24 reported, amongst others, on the arising questions regarding the respective police investigations. Initiatives and Neukölln residents call to sign a petition requesting the setup of a parliamentary Committee of Inquiry under the slogan „Rechter Terror in Berlin – Untersuchungsausschuss jetzt!“.

The festival “Offenes Neukölln” is organized pro bono by Bündnis Neukölln, a broad alliance of organizations, initiatives, trade unions, political parties, religious communities, and numerous individuals. About one hundred sports clubs and cultural associations, political initiatives and parties, artists, clubs and restaurants, cinemas and cafés, churches and mosques, community gardens, youth clubs, local initiatives, museums, and book stores will join this year to contribute to the festival’s diverse program.
The call states:
As in the previous years, numerous events will prove yet again how diverse, livable and fierce Neukölln is – together with you! We will not back off and let right-wing extremists take over the streets. We represent the open-minded Neukölln of solidarity, a place of community. Living together well needs commitment and community.
Berlin gegen Nazis is also part of the ONK festival this year – in the exhibition “Raise Your Voice” in the LiTE-Haus Galerie+Projektraum Neukölln.
As part of the Offenes Neukölln Festival 2019 LiTE-HAUS Galerie + Projektraum presents ‘Raise Your Voice!’ a day full of art installations, discussions about the state of our city, and performances celebrating the diversity here in Berlin. With a full day’s lineup of activities ranging from Cătălin Jugravu’s live performance, discussions on Berlin’s vibrant protest culture thanks to Spree Demo and Berlin Gegen Nazis, an immersive audiovisual installation by Christina Steel and Martin Garcia Blaya, and a talk by Melanie Garland on immigration and the arts, LiTE-HAUS invites guests from all walks of life to celebrate their neighborhood and cultural differences with a day of openness and unity on May 25th.
Exhibition: 24 – 25.05.2019
Melanie Garland Migration Talk: 15:00 – 15:30
Spree Demo Protest Talk: 16:00 – 16:30
Cătălin Jugravu Performance: 17:00 – 17:30
All info subject to change, updates via twitter, hash tag #ONK2019