All posts by bgn_2

Deutsches Theater Berlin

Deutsches Theater Berlin

“Deutsches Theater” in Berlin is one of the most important spoken theater venues in the German-speaking world. On the one hand, the program includes classics and modern classics by authors such as Brecht, Gorky, Ibsen, Sartre, Shakespeare, and Chekhov, and on the other, plays by contemporary authors such as Lukas Bärfuss, Dea … Continue reading »

Demokratie in der Mitte

Demokratie in der Mitte

The expertise and coordination office of “Demokratie in der Mitte” is the on-site office at Fabrik Osloer Straße e.V. The staff members organize further professional training and events, network the actors in the respective fields, do public relations, coordinate committee meetings, accompany projects, publish professional … Continue reading »

Brauhaus Lemke Berlin GmbH

Brauhaus Lemke Berlin GmbH

“Lemke am Hackeschen Markt” is located just a two-minute walk from Alexanderplatz. The history of Berlin’s first craft brewery began in the atmospheric S-Bahn arches, and just a few meters from here we still brew our beer today. More info about the breweries can be found here. … Continue reading »

Abenteuerlicher Bauspielplatz Kolle 37

Der Abenteuerliche Bauspielplatz Kolle 37

The adventure playground “Abenteuerlicher Bauspielplatz Kolle 37” in Berlin’s Prenzlauer Berg district has existed since the beginning of 1990. The playground is open from Monday to Saturday, access is free of charge and without prior registration. The space is an open facility for children from 6 to 16 years and offers … Continue reading »

Resident’s protests against a right-wing extremist rally

UPDATE 5 +++ New counter rally registered in Kreuzberg +++ Thursday, October 3, 2019, from 13:00, Berlin-Mitte – The resident’s initiative Anwohnerinneninitiative für Zivilcourage – Gegen Rechts will be hosting, for the fifth time, protest events against a rally organized by “Wir für Deutschland” (WfD) through their … Continue reading »