After the first positionings in June 2020 (Dokumentation I) and many preparations, the campaign “Kein Platz für Rassismus und Antisemitismus” started in November with a kick-off positioning and the first twenty banners. (Dokumentation II). In 2021, another twenty banners and many positioning events followed. (Dokumentation III) In March 2022, the campaign film was released. (Dokumentation IV)
Here is a chronology of events in 2022:
Wedding – March 19, 2022 – Safe-Hub Berlin Turnier
The “Kein Platz für Rassismus und Antisemitismus” campaign of the Berlin Football Association and Berlin against Nazis started into the year 2022 with a fence banner at a great soccer tournament on March 19 hosted by Safe-Hub Berlin as part of the campaign weeks #ZusammengegenRassismus in Moabit and Wedding by Zusammen gegen Rassismus.

Photos: Safe-Hub Berlin
Wilmersdorf – March 26, 2022 – Sport against Racism

The club 1. FC Wilmersdorf 1911 e V, like many other clubs,took a stance permanently with its own #KEINPLATZFÜRRASSISMUS banner. This great photoof their commitment was taken on March 26 as part of the event “SSport gegen Rassismu” on the occasion of the campaign weeks against racism in Charlottenburg-Wilmersdorf. Organized by the neighborhood center Nachbarschaftszentrum Divan e.V., Iranische Gemeinde in Deutschland, and 1. FC Wilmersdorf. Here, colleagues of MBR Berlin were also present for a meet and greet with members of the association, district politicians, and Ana-Maria Trăsnea (State Secretary for Engagement, Democracy Promotion and International Affairs).

Photos: Berlin gegen Nazis
Movie premiere – March 27, 2022 – Campaign film „Kein Platz für Rassismus“
Since the nationwide campaign day #BewegtgegenRassismus, the film shows how more than forty Berlin clubs are already participating in the campaign “Kein Platz für Rassismus und Antisemitismus” by Berliner Fußball-Verband e. V. in collaboration with Berlin gegen Nazis, with expert support by MBR Berlin. Press release and further information on the campaign in detail here.
3. National League – April 4, 2022 – Positioning preceding the game

Banner positioning by FC Viktoria 1889 Berlin at the match of the 3. League against 1. FC Magdeburg. Before the game, a joint positioning with the two teams entering the stadium took place. At half time, Berlin against Nazis was interviewed on the campaign with the stadium speaker. FC Viktoria 1889 Berlin had issued a press release beforehand. Peer Jaekel, managing director of Viktoria Berlin, stated:
I am very pleased that we are able to set such a strong signal today together with 1. FC Magdeburg and our referees. Discrimination and exclusion must not be given a platform in soccer and in our stadiums, neither in our social lives. This is what we have to fight for every day and set clear signals to draw attention to this issue again and again. We would like to thank the Berlin Football Association and Berlin gegen Nazis for initiating this campaign and for their support.

Photos: Berlin gegen Nazis
National League – April 9, 2022 – donation ceremony at Olympiastadion

Photo: citypress/Hertha BSC
As part of the campaign weeks against racism, Hertha BSC launched a campaign titled “Flagge zeigen gegen Rassismus”, video here. Hertha BSC donated the proceeds from the campaign to BFV’s “Kein Platz für Rassismus und Antisemitismus” campaign for more banners at amateur soccer grounds. The check was handed over during halftime of the capital city derby. In addition to representatives of Hertha BSC and Berlin against Nazis, also with Mehmet Matur Vice President Social Responsibility, Christian Gäbler Vice President Public Relations, and Aaron Winkelmann of BFV. Furthermore, a halftime interviewtook place at the Olympic Stadium, and the campaign’s LED boards went live for the first time in the 1st league, Bundesliga.
Neukölln – April 20, 2022 – Positioning & Breaking the Fast
Banner positioning as part of the IFTAR CUP 2022 by Buntkicktgut Berlin and #fussballgrenzenlos (a project of BFV). All teams involved in the tournament gathered for a big group photo spontaneously, featuring. Berlin against Nazis’ plush bear. Following the tournament, we joined for a meal after sunset. SC Horus is now permanently positioned in Neukölln with a banner of #KEINPLATZFÜRANTISEMITISMUS.

Photos: Berlin gegen Nazis