After initial positioning in June 2020 (Documentation I) and many preparations, the campaign “No place for racism and anti-Semitism” started in November with a kick-off positioning and the first 20 banners. ( Documentation II). In 2021, another 20 banners and many campaign-related events took place. (Documentation III) Since March 2022, there is also a campaign film (Documentation IV). In spring 2022, more events followed (Documentation V) the campaign continued well into summer and fall.
In the fall, the publication “Wichtig ist nicht nur auf dem Platz – Handreichung für den Umgang mit Rechtsextremismus und Menschenfeindlichkeit im Fußball” was published by Bundesverband Mobile Beratung (BMB), to which MBR Berlin also belongs. In the report “Positioning – but how?” the Berlin campaign is discussed in detail as a best practice example. BMB comments:
“The advisory teams of Mobile Beratungsteams gegen Rechtsextremismus are ready to support soccer clubs, associations, fan initiatives, players, and committed people nationwide. They provide support in finding strategies for dealing with right-wing extremism and group-based hostility and help with specific problems. On-site, free of charge, and confidential.
BMB, September 15, 2022

Screenshots of BMB publication
MBR Berlin supported the campaign „Kein Platz für Rassismus und Antisemitismus“ with counseling from the start.
Here’s the timeline of campaign events in 2022 – part 2:
Mommsenstadion arena – May 21, 2022 – finale of the amateurs
The “Kein Platz für Rassismus” campaign banner ad flickered again on the nationwide livestream of the finale day. However, due to the wind, the infamous Berlin gegen Nazis inflatable bear had to cancel its appearance at short notice.

FC Viktoria 1889 Berlin won the Berlin Cup competition of Berliner Fußball-Verband e. V. in the last seconds of stoppage time with a 2:1 against VSG Altglienicke Fußball. Already at the beginning of April, Viktoria Berlin positioned itself as part of the campaign ” Kein Platz für Rassismus und Antisemitismus “, more here. Also during the cup match, Viktoria positioned itself with the club’s own banner on the fence.

Photo: Berlin gegen Nazis
Sports ground Hertzbergplatz NEUKÖLLN – May 22, 2022 – Positioning before the game
In the Kreisliga A Staffel 3. level, the BSV Hürtürkel 1st men’s team positioned themselves together with the opponents of SV Blau Weiss Berolina Mitte II at the sports facility Hertzbergplatz in Neukölln before the start of the match. Both clubs participate in the “Kein Platz für Rassismus und Antisemitismus” campaign of Berliner Fußball-Verband e. V. and Berlin gegen Nazis.

Sports ground Schöneberger Insel – June 6, 2022 – finale of the regional cup of the 2. men’s team

During the final game of the Landespokal tournament of the 2. men’s teams, F.C. Stern Marienfelde 1912 EV’s team positioned itself with its own KEIN PLATZ FÜR RASSISMUS banner during the run-in in front of a full crowd as part of Berliner Fußball-Verband e. V.’s campaign. After an exciting goal festival, the team of Stern lost against the team of FC Viktoria 1889 Berlin with 6:7. Viktoria also participates in BFV’s campaign and positioned itself with the 1st men’s team on April 4 and at the cup final on May 21.

Photos: Berlin gegen Nazis
Mommsenstadion arena Charlottenburg – June 11, 2022 – campaign day against anti-Semitism

In 2022, Tennis Borussia Berlin was awarded the Paul-Spiegel-Preis by the Central Council of Jews in Germany for Tennis Borussia Berlin’s long-standing commitment, particularly against anti-Semitism. One example of the 2022 commitment was a campaign day against anti-Semitism on June 11 in cooperation with Zusammen1 , a project by Makkabi Deutschland fostering anti-Semitism prevention in sports with workshops and a panel discussion. Tebe’s second campaign banner was also presented in this context.
Sports ground Lobeckplatz Kreuzberg – July 3, 2022 – Fairplay FLINTA-tournament
A huge positioning between games, in a very relaxed atmosphere and despite the heat, with a short and multilingual speech about the campaign at the Fairplay Flinta tournament on the occasion of the 10th anniversary of DFC Kreuzberg. A great finale of the positioning before the summer break.

Sports ground Auguststr. Mitte – August 31, 2022 – Positioning with neighbodhood initiative and Autorennationalmannschaft

Positioning on a beautiful late summer evening in Mitte. The residents’ initiative “für Zivilcourage – Gegen Rechts” (Twitter: @ecketucholsky) hosted a very successful evening on the field of SV Blau Weiss Berolina Mitte . The team of Autorennationalmannschaft won 5:1 against Roter Stern Berlin 2012 e.V. in a friendly match on the half-field. At halftime, the teams positioned themselves at the campaign banner. Afterwards, there was a well-attended reading with the authors of the book “Links kickt besser” next to the field.

Photo: Berlin gegen Nazis
Sports ground Auguststr. Mitte – September 4, 2022 – Season start women’s club league

Joint positioning with the 1st women’s team of SV Rot Weiß Viktoria Mitte 08 e.V. at the banner. Previously, there were short speeches by Tilmann Häußler, second chairman of SV Blau Weiss Berolina Mitte, MdA Max Landero (SPD Mitte and ex-Bero player), Alice Drouin of Berliner Fußball-Verband e. V., contact person for the “No place for racism and anti-Semitism” campaign and Berlin gegen Nazis. Viktoria Mitte positioned themselves again on November 9 as part of an event on their home field.

Photos: Berlin gegen Nazis
Sports ground Teschplatz Pankow – October 26, 2022 – Positioning during a cup match

Joint positioning against racism during a Pokalspiel between SG Rotation Prenzlauer Berg and Tennis Borussia Berlin. SG Rotation Prenzlauer Berg comments:
The first winner was already determined before the game started: the fight against racism and discrimination!
With 25 warm-up kids, the referee team and our guests @tennisborussia, we set a strong signal at Teschplatz sports ground in Prenzlauer Berg on Wednesday evening: Both teams carried a ten-meter-long banner with the slogan “No place for racism” (a joint campaign of @berlinerfv and @berlingegennazis) and the Rotations logo before kickoff of the gripping cup match (0:1). Thank you for the commitment of the children, thank you for the joint statement, thank you for a great evening!
SG Rotation Prenzlauer Berg, October 30, 2022