In the night of December 9, 2019, once more, right-wing extremist incidents took place in Neukölln. For years, a series of assaults on people active against right-wing extremism has been taking place. Berlin gegen Nazis has been reporting on numerous campaigns in solidarity over the past years (example 1, 2, 3, 4, 5).
This latest case consists of right-wing extremist assaults through defacement of slogans on shops and residential buildings as well as slashed car tires. Since 2014, there have been several right-wing extremist assaults in Wildenbruchstraße on leftist cafés and spaces used by migrants. In an interview with the daily paper „neues deutschland“, the Mobile Counsel against Right-wing Extremism (MBR) gave the following assessment of the situation:
“We have doubts whether this assault is part of the previous series of right-wing extremist assaults in Neukölln.” (…)
According to MBR (will be updated continuously by the editors), the current case of Wildenbruchstraße differs from previous cases most notably regarding the proceeding of the offenders. So far, the assaults were directed towards persons actively engaged in anti-fascist contexts. Now, MBR presumes a relation to media coverage of so-called clan criminality, which serves right-wing extremists as reason to attack. (…)
For those affected, it ultimately does not matter whether the assault was carried out by the same group of offenders or not, MBR stresses. “What matters is the threat and intimidation.”

Regardless of the precise relations, Berlin’s civil society will unite in a demonstration to show solidarity prior to the upcoming holidays. Starting at Hermannplatz, the demonstration will pass Wildenbruchstraße to continue to Rathaus Neukölln. The call under the slogan “Kein Platz für Nazis – Unsere Solidarität gilt den Betroffenen von Rassismus und rechter Gewalt” issued by the association Bündnis Neukölln states:
Let’s stand united against racism, right-wing extremist agitation, and violence! We stand for a community united by solidarity and respect!
Those affected by the latest wave of assaults report increasing racist discrimination. Furthermore, many see themselves subjected to general suspicion caused by the lurid media coverage on criminality by so-called “Arab clans”. Neo-Nazis and racists seemingly feel encouraged by this. We will not allow this!
All info subject to change, check twitter hash tags #Neukölln #b2112 for latest updates.