15.01.2024: This article is not up to date – please read the german version with translation programms.
Brunnenstraße vigil on Fridays
On the night of October 18, an arson attack was committed against the synagogue of the Kahal Adass Yisroel community on Brunnenstraße in Mitte. (Background intformation: taz LINK) Since then, neighbors in solidarity have been organizing a vigil near the synagogue every Friday evening. Supported by the Initiative Mahnwachen gegen Antisemitismus LINK, they will gather for the next time on December 15. As of November 24, the vigil begins at 3.30 pm (the time of the vigil is based on the start of Shabbat prayers and therefore after sunset). The vigils will continue until mid December.

Fraenkelufer vigil on Fridays
There is currently also a vigil in front of the synagogue on Fraenkelufer in Kreuzberg every Friday, including December 15 from 5.30 to 7pm. The vigil intends to show solidarity through silent presence in front of the building while prayers are held in the synagogue. The vigils will initially take place until the end of December.

On October 13, shortly after the Hamas massacre of October 7, several hundred people gathered in front of the synagogue on Fraenkelufer to express their solidarity and show Jews in Berlin that they are not left alone in the current situation.
Vigil against anti-Semitism at Weinbergspark
From the end of October to November 8, daily rallies were held by the initiative Mahnwachen gegen Antisemitismus at Weinbergspark in Mitte, dedicated to the hostages abducted by Hamas on October 7.
From now on, there will be a rally against anti-Semitism and racism by the initiative at Weinbergspark on the 7th of every month. The initiative is supported by Omas gegen Rechts Berlin, among others. The first event will take place on December 7 from 6pm to 8pm at the corner of Brunnenstraße and Veteranenstraße under the slogans: “Den Kampf gegen Antisemitismus und Rassismus zusammen denken! Für eine vielfältige Gesellschaft – Solidarität mit allen jüdischen BürgerInnen. Erinnern und Mahnen an die Opfer des antisemitischen Pogroms vom 7. Oktober. Sofortige Freilassung aller Geiseln! Solidarität mit allen Betroffenen von Rassismus – Für die Vielfalt jüdischen Lebens.“ (Uniting the fight against anti-Semitism and racism! For a diverse society–solidarity with all Jewish citizens. Remember and admonish the victims of the anti-Semitic pogrom of October 7. Immediate release of all hostages! Solidarity with all those affected by racism–for the diversity of Jewish life.)

The vigil is open to anyone who wants to participate and calls on people to “set up vigils against anti-Semitism in other neighborhoods and cities in Germany and Europe, and to stand in solidarity with Jewish citizens.”
Would you like to organize your own vigil?
If you’d like to follow the example of the above-mentioned vigils in solidarity with Berlin’s Jewish inhabitants, remember to contact the respective Jewish institution in the neighborhood in advance, and do not act without prior consultation. It is important to be well prepared in the event of disruptions and threats to guarantee the safety of rally participants. Some useful recommendations, prepared by Berlin gegen Nazis in collaboration with Mobile Beratung gegen Rechtsextremismus Berlin on occasion of November 9, can be found here (German).
Featured photo: Rally on 13.10.23 at Fraenkelufer, Berlin gegen Nazis