MeG – assisted living gGmbH

MeG – betreutes Wohnen gGmbH („Migrant_innen erster Generation“) was established in 2012 as a result of a cooperation between the associations Zentrum ÜBERLEBEN and PROWO e.V. At MeG, adults who have migrated to Germany, in particular individuals who have experienced displacement or flight, and who suffer from one or more mental illnesses, receive comprehensive support within the framework of integration assistance. We focus on achieving stabilization and an improvement in well-being, to activate resources and enable participation to develop a prospect of a self-determined and independent life. MeG focuses on the individual person with their individual biography, needs, and wishes, and thus provides support based on empathy, respect, and commitment.
MeG’s holistic approach ensures a close-knit support structure, which is particularly necessary in cases of severe mental illness and trauma. At MeG, we offer psychosocial and social work support as well as counseling, focused primarily on everyday life, as well as integrated psychotherapy by licensed therapists. Clients can also take part in German language classes and leisure activities, such as cooking, sports, and excursions, to promote social integration. Language as well as cultural mediators in various languages can be called in for appointments as required. In addition, all employees are interculturally trained and have in-depth knowledge of issues such as residence law as well as a clear understanding and awareness of intersectional discrimination.
MeG operates four locations: in addition to the outpatient facilities in Moabit, Kreuzberg, and Neukölln, an inpatient mother and child facility in Wedding was opened in January 2024. Here, mothers with children up to the age of six can live and receive comprehensive support.

For further information: About us – MeG Betreutes Wohnen gGmbH