It is a provocation, which has already in the past year caused thousands of Berliners to take to the streets despite wind and rain on 9. November 2018. In the past year, they were protesting in unity the right-wing extremists, back then organized as “Wir für Deutschland”. The day should not be dominated by neo-Nazis, racists, and opponents of democracy, but by commemorating the victims of the Holocaust. The association “Bündnis für ein weltoffenes und tolerantes Berlin” is calling to join their protest.
Commemoration and Protest
In Germany, on the evening of November 9, 1938, direct and targeted violence started against Jewish citizens. During the night, people were murdered, displaced, and detained, Jewish shops were looted and vandalized, synagogues were burned down. In Berlin, different events take place to commemorate the November Pogroms and the outset of systematic annihilation of Jewish citizens. Here is an overview by Berlin gegen Nazis.
Protest event and action campaign, Bebelplatz, 11.00 Uhr

The association Bündnis für ein weltoffenes und tolerantes Berlin, comprised of churches, trade unions, charities, and further civic organizations calls to join their protest under the slogan “Für ein würdiges Gedenken” on November 9 at Bebelplatz.
On Bebelplatz, location of the book burnings by the Nazis during the 1930s, the association will host a commemorative event including an action campaign. All Berliners are invited to bring a book written by an author affected by the book burnings and read a few lines from it. The book burnings constitute an important event in the national socialist history leading to the November Pogroms. The event will symbolically appropriate the location in the face of the provocation of a march by the “Reichsbürger” supporters on November 9 in Berlin’s historical center. The call, which is supported as well by Anwohner*inneninititive für Zivilcourage – Gegen Rechts and Omas gegen Rechts Berlin, states:
On the 81st anniversary of the November pogroms, right-wing extremist groups yet again call to gather in the center of Berlin. Under the title “Großer Preußenmarsch für Heimat & Weltfrieden“, so-called “Reichsbürger” march to protest our basic constitutional law, our parliamentary democracy, and our commemorative culture.
We will not tolerate this misuse and reinterpretation of November 9.
We stand for a culture of responsibility in dealing with historical events. For a diverse and open-minded society. For an open-minded and tolerant Berlin. Join us!
Commemorative event and demonstration, Deportationsmahnmal Levetzowstraße, 17:00

Since 1990, an association related to Vereinigung der Verfolgten des Naziregimes – Bund der Antifaschistinnen und Antifaschisten VVN-BdA are hosting an annual event under the slogan “Es ist geschehen, und folglich kann es wieder geschehen“. This year, the event starts at 17:00 at the memorial Deportationsmahnmal Levetzowstraße in Berlin-Moabit. The call states:
The association to commemorate the events of November 9 aims to not forget this anniversary. As in previous years, we call to join our commemorative event at the memorial on location of the former synagogue Levetzowstraße in Moabit. It will be followed by an anti-fascist demonstration through the neighborhood of Moabit and end at Westhafen train station, from where, 71 years ago, Jewish citizens were deported to concentration camps.
Action map right-wing extremist march on November 9, 2019, Berlin-Mitte (as of November 6, 2019, subject to change)

Routes and event locations
11.00 Uhr, Bebelplatz, Bündnis für einweltoffenes und tolerantes Berlin Kundgebung „Für ein würdiges Gedenken“
11.00 Uhr Lustgarten (Höhe Berliner Dom), Startpunkt Aufmarschürgerspektrum – Aufmarschroute: Am Lustgarten, Bodestr., Am Kupfergraben, Dorotheenstr., Unversitätsstr., ZWISCHENKUNDGEBUNG: Unter den Linden (Reiterstandbild Friedrich der Große), Unter den Linden, Endpunkt: Unter den Linden/Wilhelmstr.
17.00 Uhr , Moabit, Deportationsmahnmal Levetzowstraße Gedenkkundgebung “ „Es ist geschehen, und folglich kann es wieder geschehen“ von der Berliner Vereinigung der Verfolgten des Naziregimes – Bund der Antifaschistinnen und Antifaschisten VVN-BdA mit anschließender Gedenkdemonstration zum Mahnmal Pulitzbrücke
There were formerly three announcements of rallies by the “Reichsbürger” movement and right wing extremists. Presently, only one rally is still registered to take place on November 9. Mobile Beratung gegen Rechtsextremismus Berlin (MBR) published an assessment regarding November 9. It states:
On the 81st anniversary of the anti-Semitic November Pogroms of 1938, right-wing extremist splinter groups are planning to host rallies and events in the center of Berlin. Currently, MBR is aware of three calls for different events. The grouping “” from within the “Reichsbürger” movement announced to hold a rally from Lustgarten under the slogan “Heimat und Weltfrieden” from 11:00. They will be supported by the so-called “Gelben Westen Berlin”, who had previously announced an event of their own.
The announced rally by the micro group “Patriotic Opposition Europe” surrounding the right-wing extremist Eric Graziani to take place at Brandenburg Gate has in the meantime been cancelled as well. In the past, Graziani acted as moderator of the right-wing extremist march by “Wir für Deutschland (WfD)” on October 3, 2019. The event has been prohibited by the Berlin police due to a general ban of further events taking place on Pariser Platz and Wilhelmstraße, as the events commemorating the fall of the wall are taking place there.
Potential for Mobilization
The grouping issuing the call to come to Berlin on November 9 is distributing this call regularly on their announcements with several supporting groups and co-signers to suggest a broad movement. However, the experience of past rallies has shown that there are a few hundred participants to be expected at the most.
There possibly might be further new announcements of rallies by right-wing extremists and the “Reichsbürger” movement. Berlin against Nazis will continuously update this report. Please use twitter hast tags #b0911 und #9Nov.