Boxgirls Berlin e.V.

Boxgirls Berlin e.V. is a feminist, queer, anti-racist association dedicated to inspiring, motivating, and supporting girls* and women* to achieve independence, agency, and courage in their neighborhoods and communities so that they can become dynamic spaces of inclusion, equal opportunities, and safety. Boxgirls strives to do this through regular boxing, Muay Thai, and kickboxing training for specific target groups. Boxing is still a male-dominated sport, both in the media, and in sports clubs. Breaking with the conventions of gender representation in boxing helps girls to challenge patriarchal gender norms. Girls and women* who box are fighting for their right to fight.
Boxgirls e.V. is active offering regular training sessions in various gyms and cooperates with schools, family centers, and youth facilities. Boxgirls gives girls* and MINTA* young people affected by various forms of discrimination the opportunity to empower themselves––not only through martial arts, but also through theater and art.
*MINTA stands for Girls, Inter, Non-Binary, Trans, agender.

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