All posts by bgn_2

March 10 – 26, 2018 – International Weeks against Racism +++ decentralized weeks of action in Wedding & Moabit +++ Demonstration on March 21, 2018, International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination, in Rudow at 17:00 +++ sticker action campaign „Kein Platz für Rassismus“

On occasion of the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination, multiple events take place in Berlin. Berlin gegen Nazis keeps you updated, and provides information specifically on the campaigns organized around the International Weeks against Racism, “Zusammen gegen Rassimus Wedding & Moabit” and the … Continue reading »

Update 2 +++ Saturday, March 3, 2018, 14:30, protests against the right-wing extremist demonstration in Berlin-Mitte +++ marching route announced +++balloon action campaign by Berlin gegen Nazis +++ assessment of MBR

For March 3, the right-wing extremist organization “Wir für Deutschland (WFD)” yet again calls to join their demonstration from Hauptbahnhof through Berlin-Mitte at 15:00. The demonstration is taking place under the slogan “NEIN zur GroKo (Patriotische Frühlingsoffensive)”. Two events to counter protest have been registered, … Continue reading »