All posts by bgn_1

Update 2 +++ Saturday, March 4, 2017: Fifth right-wing extremist demonstration under the slogan „Merkel muss weg“ in Berlin +++change of location for noise challenge with Berlin gegen Nazis now 1pm Washingtonplatz

For the forth of March, 2017, the right-wing extremist initiative “Wir für Berlin & Wir für Deutschland” calls for their fifth gathering under the slogan “Merkel muss weg”. The Berlin-based alliance “Bündnis gegen Rechts” announced a gathering at Washingtonplatz/main train station from 1pm and protest march starting at also 1pm … Continue reading »

Update +++ Monday, February 06, 06:30 pm, Hauptbahnhof: protest against Bärgida and racism +++ Bärgida march starting 7:15 pm will pass a refugee shelter

Every Monday, in Berlin as in other towns and cities, a demonstration of Pegida is taking place. Their followers call themselves ‘Bärgida’ and will gather again this coming Monday at 18:30 at Hauptbahnhof, Berlin’s central train station. Amongst them are racists, Nazi hooligans, and further enemies of refugees. The committee … Continue reading »