Update 2 +++ Saturday, March 4, 2017: Fifth right-wing extremist demonstration under the slogan „Merkel muss weg“ in Berlin +++change of location for noise challenge with Berlin gegen Nazis now 1pm Washingtonplatz

For the forth of March, 2017, the right-wing extremist initiative "Wir für Berlin & Wir für Deutschland" calls for their fifth gathering under the slogan "Merkel muss weg". The Berlin-based alliance “Bündnis gegen Rechts” announced a gathering at Washingtonplatz/main train station from 1pm and protest march starting at also 1pm from Rosenthaler Platz in the district of Mitte to the gathering point of the right-wing extremist’s demonstration at the main station (Hauptbahnhof). As part of the counter-gathering at Washingtonplatz from 1pm, Berlin gegen Nazis will hold their noise challenge „Laut gegen Nazis".

The Berlin-based Berliner Bündnis gegen Rechts, an alliance of associations, trade unions, anti-Fascist and left groups, announced a demonstration to take place under the slogan „Solidarität statt rechter Hetze – Kein Nazi-Aufmarsch in Berlin-Mitte“, starting from 1pm at Rosenthaler Platz and marching towards a counter-gathering witch starts at 1pm Washingtonplatz at Hauptbahnhof. The call of Berliner Bündnis gegen Rechts provides information regarding the demonstration in five languages.

Berlin gegen Nazis invites everybody to partake in their noise challenge – “Laut gegen Nazis“. To start off the counter-gathering at Washingtonplatz at 1pm by Berliner Bündnis gegen Rechts, Berlin gegen Nazis will distribute several hundred clap banners to compliment your own noise-making instruments, such as whistles, pots, pans, and the like. Within earshot of the “Merkel muss weg” demonstration, we wish to make it heard and seen that, again in 2017, right-wing extremists are still not welcome in Berlin and will have to deal with boisterous counter-protest.


Actionmap, 04.03.2017, Berlin (informations on 03.03.2017)

The right wing extremist’s gathering is, like its predecessors, announced to start at 2:30pm at Washingtonplatz at Hauptbahnhof. The marching route :Kapelle-Ufer – Reinhardtstraße – Friedrichstraße – Torstr. – Rosenthaler Straße – Weinmeisterstraße – Münzstraße – Rosa-Luxemburg-Straße – Dircksenstraße – Karl-Liebknecht-Straße – Gontardstraße. End of march: Alexanderplatz (south of metro tracks under the TV-Tower/Gontardstr.)

Mobile Beratung gegen Rechtsextremismus (MBR) have announced a current assessment of the situation on their website where it is stated that:

Although the number of demonstrators has continued to sink over the last four demos, it can’t be ruled out that there will be a big turnout after a break of several months since the last event. A surprising 3000 people came to the first demonstration back in March 2016, whereas just 500 extremists were able to be mobilised in November last year. The MBR (Mobile Beratung gegen Rechtsextremismus) is therefore working on the assumption that around 1000 demonstrators will turn up on 4th March.

The people taking part on Saturday’s demo are likely from the same groups and structures as with previous demos: organised right-wing extremists from so-called “comradeships”, the NPD, the party “III. Weg” (“The Third Way”), the Identitarian movement, “Reichsbürger”, right-wing football fans and hooligans, members of the Patriotic Platform within the AfD party, supporters of right-wing splinter groups and initiatives hostile to refugees. The potential for violence therefore remains high.

We will provide you with all changes and updates continuously. The twitter hashtag for all info surrounding the event on March 4 is #b0403.