Commemorative events
The commemoration of the Jewish Community of Berlin is scheduled to start at 9:00 in Mitte. In front of the Jewish Community Center (Fasanenstraße 79-80, 10623 Berlin), the names of the 55,696 murdered Berlin Jews will be read from the memorial book of the State of Berlin until approximately 21:00. All Berliners are invited to participate in the guided reading of names. In addition to the official memorial service, which will begin at 19:00, a simulation of the former Fasanenstraße Synagogue will be projected onto the current façade of the Jewish Community Center in the evening. In addition, virtual reality goggles will be available on site, allowing visitors to imagine themselves inside the former synagogue.
In Schöneberg, a commemoration hosted by the district will begin at 16:30 with the laying of a wreath at the memorial of the former Jewish synagogue (Münchener Straße 38, 10779 Berlin). From 17:00 the Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg district office invites you to a silent commemoration with musical accompaniment at the Fraenkelufer Synagogue (Fraenkelufer 10, 10999 Berlin).
DGB KV Neukölln, Die Falken Neukölln, and the Initiative Hufeisern GEGEN Rechts invite to partake in an evening of remembrance and renewal in Britz. From 17:30, there is a commemoration of the Pogrom Night in front of the former store of Carl Baum (Fritz-Reuter-Allee 50, 12359 Berlin). Starting at 18:30, there will be a screening of the 1924 film “The City Without Jews” in the auditorium of Fritz-Karsen-Schule (Onkel-Bräsig-Str. 76, 12359 Berlin), followed by a panel discussion.
“Stolpersteine” / Stumbling Stones
The laying of five “Stolpersteine” in Charlottenburg-Wilmersdorf commemorates the Pogrom Night. The meeting point for the first installation is Leibnizstraße 33, starting at 9:25.
Demokratie in Mitte will host a one-hour walk through Soldiner Kiez in Wedding. While polishing stumbling stones, the participants are invited to initiate a conversation with each other about Jewish life and resistance against the National Socialist regime in the neighborhood. All interested people are invited to join. Cleaning utensils will be provided. Meeting point is at 15:00 at the entrance to Fabrik Osloer Straße (Osloer Str. 12, 13359 Berlin).
DGB Kreisverband Mitte invites to join their communal cleaning of “Stolpersteine” in Moabit under the slogan “Commemoration – Remembrance – Against Hate”.

Meeting point is on the corner of Huttenstr. / Beusselstr., from from 16:00. All supporters are welcome.
At 18:30, a cleaning and memorial stroll begins in Lichtenberg‘s Weitlingkiez. On this walk, “Stolpersteine” will be cleaned and the deported and murdered people will be commemorated. It is encouraged to bring flowers and candles. The meeting point is at Sophienstr. 35, 10317 Berlin.
Starting from 19:00, there will be a talk about “Stolpersteine” and the biographies of people who lived in Hohenschönhausen and were later deported and murdered. It takes place in the community center “Heinrich Grüber” (Am Berl 13, 13051 Berlin).
Commemorative rally
In Moabit, as in past years, an anti-fascist rally in memory of the November Pogroms of 1938 will take place in front of the Levetzowstraße memorial, starting at 18:00.

The call for the rally, headlined “It happened, therefore it can happen again” states:
To ensure the memory of the German Nazi crimes are heard and to demand consequences remains the most vital task for all anti-fascists. Thus, we hope to see as many of you as possible on November 9 at the commemorative rally in Moabit.
Together with contemporary witnesses, representatives of various initiatives, and with musical support, we will not tire of our anti-fascist remembrance, actions, and intervention and go out into the streets yet again this year.