Sunday, May 27, 2018, from 11:00, Berlin-Mitte: broad civic protests under the slogan „Stop the hatred“

Five large civic coalitions call to join their protest events against a demonstration of the AfD party in Berlin-Mitte on May 27. The alliances “Stoppt den Hass”, “Die Vielen”, “Welcome United”, “Reclaim Club Culture” and “Berliner Bündnis für ein weltoffenes und tolerantes Berlin” mobilize with several calls to multiple events taking place at different locations. Here’s our overview:

The demonstration of AfD under the slogan “Zukunft für Deutschland”, which has been registered to include 10,000 participants, is scheduled to start at noon at Washingtonplatz at Berlin’s main train station with a launch event and will likely lead to Platz des 18. März via a short, direct route through the district of Mitte.

Alliance “Stoppt den Hass” – protest events starting from 11:30 at Platz der Republik (Reichstagswiese)

A coalition of several civic actors, trade unions, Berlin-based theatres and night clubs, further associations, several political parties with their regional, communal, and youth chapters, as well as many initiatives of civic society, refugee organizations, and private individuals call to join their protests in Berlin under the slogan “Stoppt den Hass”. The alliance will organize a central event with speeches and music in front of the parliament, Deutscher Bundestag.

The call by the Alliance “Stoppt den Hass”, undersigned by more than 100 organizations and private individuals, states:

For May 27, AfD plans to hold a major, nation-wide demonstration in Berlin, to stage itself as the warrantor of “freedom and democracy”. In fact, there is no room in the AfD’s world view for anyone not fitting into their idea of a homogenous society. The agenda of AfD, which is in vast parts racist, völkisch-nationalist, anti-feminist, homophobic, aims at exclusion and marginalization. AfD negates the responsibility of mankind for climate change and environmental catastrophes.

AfD is anti-democratic and aims at an authoritarian system change. It fails to provide answers to social issues. It aims to divide society by establishing competition and envy.

Source: Homepage Alliance “Stoppt den Hass”,

Alliance “Die Vielen” – „Glänzende Demonstration“ – sparkling demonstration starting point 11:00 at Volksspark am Weinberg towards Pariser Platz

A broad alliance of the Berlin-based theatre scene has established itself. The main theatres in Berlin, such as Maxim Gorki Theater, Deutsches Theater Berlin, Berliner Ensemble, HAU – Hebbel am Ufer, joined the “Glänzende Demonstration”, originally initiated by independent theatre producers.

The call of the initiative “Die Vielen“ , which has been signed by over fifty organizations, is also supported by Akademie der Künste. It states:

“Die Vielen” is an alliance of artists, ensembles, companies, and further actors of the performing arts. To be engaged in producing performing arts means to work towards a society comprised of people of all colors and genders, sexual orientation, diverse needs and abilities, believers as well as non-believers, which is founded on everyone’s equality.

Right-wing parties and movements are no alternative. The “people” in whose name they claim to be speaking, excludes many of us. We will not allow a division of society. No stage time for AfD and other right-wing extremists, not in the streets, nor in theatre! Let’s give voice to our polyphony wherever right-wing extremists such as the Identitarian Movement or other Nazis show up and dispute their attention.

Source:  Facebook-Event “Die Vielen”

  • Demonstration route:
    11:00 kickoff event at Volkspark am Weinberg (U-Bahnhof Rosenthaler Platz)
  • Start of the demonstration 12:00 via the following route: Brunnenstraße, Rosenthaler Straße, Auguststraße, Große Hamburger Straße, Sophienstraße, Rosenthaler Straße, Hackescher Mark, Oranienburger Straße, Friedrichstraße, Reichstagsufer, Bunsenstraße,  Dorotheenstraße, Schadowstraße, final event: Pariser Platz (Brandenburger Tor/East side)

Alliance “Welcome United” – „We stay United“ – protest event 12:00 at Bertholt-Brecht-Platz

The nation-wide alliance “Welcome United”, consisting of refugee organizations and initiatives supporting refugees, also calls to join their protests.

The call of “Welcome United” under the slogan „We stay United – Antirassistischer Protest gegen die AfD“ states:

We won’t let anyone snatch our Berlin from us. We are the ones against which the right-wing extremists direct their hatred and assaults, which is why we take to the streets united with 100 groups and initiatives to voice our idea of a society of the many.

Source: Facebook-Event Welcome United

Alliance “Reclaim Club Culture” – „AFD wegbassen“ – starting point rave demonstration tba

The Berlin-based club scene supports the call of “Reclaim Club Culture” with more than 120 signatories. The call states:

Our dancefloors are the territory where people of unlimited descent socialize their potentialities, realize their eternally diversified desires, with their ever-changing identities and their good taste. AfD and Pegida in contrast embody a repressive, hetero-normative, anti-feminist and racist image of society. Their aim is the völkisch-national formation, the reconstruction of nationally homogenous nation-states and the stigmatization of all, which are meant to not belong.

Source: Facebook-Event Reclaim Club Culture

Alliance “Bündnis für ein weltoffenes und tolerantes Berlin”

The permanent alliance of Berlin churches, trade unions, charities and further civic organizations calls together with the regional associations of the SPD Berlin, Bündnis 90/Die Grünen Berlin and Die Linke Berlin, to join their protests.

The call of the alliance, mobilizing to join the „Glänzenden Demonstration“ as well as the protest events of „Stopp den Hass“, states:

The alliance “Berliner Bündnis für ein weltoffenes und tolerantes Berlin” calls everybody to raise their voice in unity against hatred and racism and show support for a Berlin of solidarity and open-mindedness on May 27.

We wish to show that we would like to live in an open society without hatred. We are convinced that an open-minded society has to fight against racism, intolerance, and nationalism. People have to be able to meet each other to acknowledge their individuality and be able to respectfully discuss their differences. We aim to attain such a democratic society!

Source: Homepage Bündnis für ein weltoffenes und tolerantes Berlin

All information subject to change, current updates via twitter, hashtags: #b2705 #StopptdenHass