Civic society of Spandau numerously joined the protests on August 19, which were organized by Spandauer Bündnis gegen Rechts, Regionalgruppe der Vereinigung der Verfolgten des Naziregimes/Bund der Antifaschisten (VVN-BdA), as well as Mahnwache für Toleranz und ein friedliches Miteinander – gegen Rassismus, Antisemitismus und Islamfeindlichkeit der evangelischen Kirche Spandau. The support of Spandauer Runden Tisches für Demokratie und Toleranz and the other large alliances of civic society based in Berlin, Bezirksverordnetenversammlung, and Bezirksamt Spandau, as well as the federal associations of the governing parties of Berlin created a protest movement powerful enough so the right-wnig extremists were not able to commemorate Rudolf Heß at the former location of the NS-prison at Spandauer Wilhelmstadt. Thus, about 1200 right-wing extremists marched on a short side track route near the train station through Spandau.
Still, the entire route which was previously announced as the right-wing extremists’ marching route was crowded with banners and posters of citizens opposing right-wing extremism, commemoration of NS-heroes, and supporting open-mindedness and diversity. The flyer in five languages and two versions (Versionen: 1. ( Deutsch, Arabisch, Farsi /PDF) und 2. (Deutsch, Englisch, Türkisch)), which was made in cooperation with Berlin gegen Nazis and Gesellschaft für Interkulturelles Zusammenleben e.V.- GIZ to keep residents and neighbors informed, helped to unite the neighborhood protest.
Informing the residents affected by right-wing extremist demonstrations is a precondition for their ability to prepare and react against these demonstrations. Once such a protest is formed, it is an excellent means to disturb the right-wing extremists’ self-presentation, and it fosters the solidarity among residents and neighbors against right-wing extremism and racism.
At the planned destination of the “Heß-demonstration”, Wilhelmstraße 23 (former location of the prison of convicted NS war criminals), the alliance Spandauer Bündnis gegen Rechts had registered a demonstration where Berlin gegen Nazis successfully invited to join their poster design workshop “Plakate malen gegen Neonazis”. This Tweet gives an impression of a journalist of the daily newspaper taz – die tageszeitung. Many people designed posters which they put on display during the rerouted right-wing extremist demonstration.
Pics of the day at the protest against the right-wing extremist demonstration on August 19
Berlin gegen Nazis – clap banners and cushions on the fringes of the right-wing extremist demonstration – photo: Berlin gegen Nazis
residents protesting the right-wing extremist “Heß-demonstration” – photo: Jüdisches Forum für Demokratie und gegen Antisemitismus e. V. (JFDA)
Berlin gegen Nazis – inflatable bear at demonstration at Wilhelmstraße 23 – Photo: Berlin gegen Nazis
poster design workshop “Plakate malen gegen Neonazis” at the demonstration at Wilhelmstraße 23 – photo: Berlin gegen Nazis
protests aling the marching route of the right-wing extremists with posters made at the design workshop – photo: Jüdisches Forum für Demokratie und gegen Antisemitismus e. V. (JFDA)
Vice president of the German Bundestag Petra Pau during her speech at the demonstration at Wilhelmstraße 23 – photo: Berlin gegen Nazis