For October 8, a broad campaign alliance of anti-fascist initiatives, several of Berlin’s “Omas gegen Rechts” groups, as well as further alliances, such as the alliance “Berliner Bündnis gegen Rechts“, clubs, associations, parties, and organizations of Berlin’s civil society has formed in support of the initiative “Aufstehen gegen Rassismus”.
This campaign alliance is organizing a rally in collaboration with the alliance “Bündnis für ein weltoffenes und tolerantes Berlin”, on the western section of the lawn Reichstagswiese (Heinrich- von-Gagern-Straße) vis-a-vis the right-wing populist kick-off rally on Platz der Republik.
The main counter protest event starting at 13:00 and many further small rallies and demonstrations along the route of the right-wing populist demonstration, Berlin’s civil society will show its unmistakably opposition. and will at the same time advocate for solidarity and solidarity-based responses to yet another social crisis.
The call of the alliance and supporting groups “Aufstehen gegen Rassismus” states:

Our protests do not deny the climate crisis, or Corona, they do not trivialize Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine, and do not entail conspiracy myths about those in power. We stand together for a society of solidarity regardless of our origin, sexual orientation, gender identity, religion, or ability.
call AGR, September 19, 2022
The call of the alliance “Bündnis für ein weltoffenes und tolerantes Berlin” states:

We demand a clear and matter-of-fact analysis without scapegoats, racism, and conspiracy thinking. To secure a future worth living, this includes governing with an effective climate policy. We demand that federal and state policies provide relief and security for all people in need. Because of rising costs, the fear of poverty, hunger, or loss of housing is understandable. We want a fair and solidary distribution of costs.
Come join our rally– we wish to show what we expect from politics and society. And at the same time, we are protesting in unison with many other civil society actors and organizations against the appropriation of our concerns by the AfD.
Alliance “Bündnis für ein weltoffenes und tolerantes Berlin”, September 22, 2022
Background information
Mobile Beratung gegen Rechtsextremismus Berlin – MBR analyzes in a current assessment entitled “Assessment of the right-wing populist demonstration on October 8, 2022 in Berlin” the background, strategies, and mobilization for the right-wing populist demonstration. It states:
For Saturday, October 8, 2022, the right-wing populist, in large parts right-wing extremist, political party Alternative für Deutschland (AfD) announces a demonstration that will pass by the Berlin government district. To the assembly, which is scheduled to begin in front of the Bundestag and will pass the Charité hospital and the main train station and is registered for 4,000 people (…)
In subsequent press conferences, the motto of the demonstration and the campaign was presented: “Unser Land zuerst! Wir stehen an Deiner Seite!” This slogan has previously been used by the AfD in Saxony, where, in July already, calls were announced to take up gatherings on Monday evenings again. The strategic goal of the campaign is to gain the sovereignty of interpretation of the emerging social protests against rising energy and food prices. As remedies, the party promises tax cuts, and energy supply through nuclear and coal power. The demand for the opening of the Nordstream 2 gas pipeline also plays a central role. (…)
Regarding the mobilization to Berlin, it remains to be seen whether the AfD will succeed in winning over the participants of the currently mainly local and regional gatherings for protests in the capital. In addition, the federal party is also trying to address the social middle class with its campaign, and here in particular medium-sized and agricultural enterpreises as well as the skilled trades. So far, however, its mobilization has mainly been effective among its core voters and party members. The AfD aims to gain further support at its rallies as a result of rising energy and food prices and the anticipated insolvencies and company bankruptcies, as well as other existential hardships. Calls from the conspiracy-ideological and far-right spectrum could also contribute to the mobilization for October 8. (…)
MBR Berlin, September 27, 2022
Routes and rally locations for Saturday, October 8, 2022
(as of October 7, 2022 – all information subject to change)
Please note: Our summary below is based on the public assembly database of the State of Berlin, as well as additional information obtained through additional research of our own. Our information on assemblies may differ from the assembly database, as we usually provide more up-to-date information. The database does not, for example, display bans. Against justified bans of assemblies, the applicant can dispute a judicial clarification in summary proceedings through several instances by legal action. We regularly update our information in case of new developments and adequate relevance of the notifications. This compilation does not claim to be comprehensive.
Counter protests
- 1 pm, Heinrich-von Gagern-Straße (western section of lawn Reichstagswiese) – central protest rally by the alliance “Aufstehen gegen Rassismus” together with the alliance “Bündnis für ein weltoffenes und tolerantes Berlin” under the slogan “Solidarität ist unsere Antwort auf die Krise!“
shuttle counter-protest rallies
- 12 pm, Europaplatz main train station (northside), Counter-protest rave and rally by Reclaim Club Culture to main counter-protest Heinrich-von Gagern-Straße
- 12 pm, Platz des 18.März /Brandenburger Tor, Counter-protest rave and rally by Reclaim Club Culture and Geradedenken collectiv to main counter-protest Heinrich-von Gagern-Straße
more static counter-protests
- 12 pm, Simsonweg / Scheidemannstraße – Counter-protest to protect the monument to the Sinti and Roma of Europe murdered under National Socialism by Omas gegen Rechts Berlin.
- 12 pm – 4 pm, Pariser Platz – Counter-protest “Glänzender Platz” of Die Vielen
- 2pm, Leipziger Platz, Counter-Protest by green youth berlin
- 4 pm – 7 pm , Pariser Platz – Counter-protest and rally of music, art and culture professionals for an ecologically, socially and economically sustainable future – Time to listen
counter-protest rallies
- 12 pm, Rahel-Hirsch-Str/Washingtonplatz/main train station (southside) bicycle counter protest with soundbikes by Reclaim Club Culture
- 2 pm, Dorothea-Schlegel-Platz (train station Friedrichstraße) government district and city center, mobile Counter-protest and rally by antiverschwurbelte aktion although known as reptiloid Counter-protest
Right-wing populist rally
- 1:30 pm, Platz der Republik (scheduled to take place from 12pm – 8 pm, call states starting time as 13:30) – demonstration under the slogan “Energiesicherheit und Schutz vor Inflation – unser Land zuerst!“ registered demonstration by Alternative für Deutschland, estimated participants 4,000 people
->Route: Platz der Republik – Scheidemannstr. – Dorotheenstr. -Wilhelmstr. – Unter den Linden – Friedrichstr. – Leipziger Str. – Potsdamer Platz – Ebertstr. – In den Ministergärten – Gertrud-Kolmar-Str. – An der Kolonnade – Wilhelmstr. – Behrenstr. – Glinkastr. – Unter den Linden – Wilhelmstr. – Dorotheenstr. – Scheidemannstr. – Heinrich.-v.-Gagern-Str. – Paul-Löbe-Allee – Platz der Republik
For up to date information use twitter hash tag #b0810