On Saturday, February 3, the nationwide alliance “Hand in Hand”, together with over 1,800 organizations, called for a mass event under the slogan #WirSindDieBrandmauer (We are the Firewall) at Reichstagswiese/Platz der Republik in the government district at 13:00. A rally with speeches and music, as well as a human chain around the Bundestag building were planned.

The human chain could not be formed as planned as the crowds were too large, and at times subway stations had to be closed for security reasons. In the end, over 150,000 people turned out in all weathers to send a strong signal supporting their idea of Berlin in which there is no place for right-wing extremism and racism. Many of our partners joined us. More impressions can be found on the social media platforms X and Instagram.
Representatives and fans of many Berlin-based soccer clubs gathered to form the “Football and Sports Block” organized by Gesellschaftsspiele e.V.

The call of the alliance “Hand in Hand” states:
The political landscape in Germany shows alarming developments: right-wing and far-right views are gaining public support. Racism, anti-Semitism, and further forms of group-based misanthropy are on the rise. […] Defending basic human rights is being called into question. Refugees are being massively disenfranchised, they themselves as well as supporters are being increasingly criminalized. Our society, diversity, and fairness, and yes, our democratic values are in danger. But we are determined to be loud and vocal: in support of an open-minded, democratic, pluralistic, and united society, in solidarity against the shift to the right in Germany and Europe! Silence is not an option!
Call of the alliance Hand in Hand
We have summarized the previous mobilizations against right-wing extremism and racism in January 2024 here. We spoke to the radio station radio1 vom rbb about the future prospects and the need to consolidate the protests before the big event on February 3.