Weeks against Racism Hohenschönhausen & Lichtenberg
A diverse program of more than 25 events is being held in Lichtenberg. The network Hohenschönhausen Against Racism and committed people from Lichtenberg have set up a Website with all the events.

The kick-off event will take place on March 11, 2024 from 16:00 at Prerower Platz, directly in front of Lindencenter. On March 13, 2024, the Lichtenberger Register and the office Fach- und Netzwerkstelle Licht-Blicke invite you join a “Walk against racism”. It starts at 16:00 at the youth club Kontaktladen VIP & Neu-Hohenschönhausen at Rüdickenstr. 29.
“Erst nachts können wir traurig sein“ is the title of a short film evening about German-Vietnamese perspectives on March 14, 2024. Four short films provide powerful insights into the migration stories of young people from the district. The event is a cooperation between the film workshop “Dreh’s Um” and the citizens’ meeting place “Gemeinsam im Kiez leben” at Schöneicher Straße 10A. It starts at18:00.
Spandauer Aktionsmärz
Spandauer Aktionsmärz 2024 combines the International Weeks against Racism and the 6th Spandau Girls’ and Women’s March into one month of campaign events. A network consisting of the Women’s and Equal Opportunities Officer, the Integration Office, and a large number of committed individuals and organizations wants to draw attention to disadvantage and discrimination in the course of sexism and racism at the same time. More information and the full program can be found HERE.
On March 13, 2024, Dr. Çiçek Bacik and colleagues of the authors’ collective “Daughters and Sons of Gastarbeiters” will read from biographical testimonies of those who, as children of so-called “guest workers”, were supposed to inspire the German economic upswing after the Second World War. The QM Spandauer Vorstadt is hosting the event at 16:00 at Nachbarschaftszentrum Paul-Schneider-Haus at Schönwalder Straße 23.
At the event “Antimuslimischer Rassismus – Einblick in den Alltag von Muslim*innen und Menschen, die so gelesen werden”, those affected and allies can develop strategies for action against everyday racism and discrimination. Place and time: March 15, 2024, 12:00-15:00; an event organized by Register Spandau at Lerncafé Spandau.

The festival “Interkulturelle Begegnungsfest für Kinder” is an event for refugees, children in “Willkommensklassen” and children from “Regelklassen” to break down prejudices and facilitate encounter. The party starts on March 19, 2024 from 15:00 – 18:00 at Gemeindehaus, Kladower Damm 369.
The central rally for the International Day against Racism will take place on March 21, 2024 from 15:00-16:00 in front of Spandau Town Hall. Together with numerous network partners, the Integration Department of the district authority invites you to stand up against racism.
Weeks againstracism in Pankow
A network of Pankow associations, initiatives, libraries, and the administration is once again organizing the Pankow Weeks against Racism this year and is launching several “neighbourhood campaigns”. They take place open air and aim to draw attention to discrimination in the respective districts, and build strong bonds of solidarity in the neighborhood. On March 12, at Mühlenkiez around Greifswalder Str. (15:00-17:30), on March 13 at Markt am Anger in the center of Pankow (10:00-15:00), on March 15 at Antonplatz in Weißensee (14:30-17:00) ,and on March 16 at Piazza Karow (10:00-12:00).
The full program for Pankow can be found here.

On March 19, 2024, an “open network against the right” will offer all interested parties information on how to get involved against right-wing extremism and populism. Various civil society actors will be on site to present their political work. Prior registration is required at anmeldung@jup-ev.org. At 18:30 at JUP, Florastraße 84.
“So fühlte es sich an, das hätte ich mir gewünscht, so ging es mir danach …“ : The intercultural project migraUP invites to join an empowerment workshop for people who have experienced racism. On March 22, 2024 at 16:00 at Polki w Berlinie e.V. at Storkower Straße 158.
Furthermore, there will be an informative event on the topic of “Right-wing groups in Pankow”. Interested parties can register via email to anmeldung@jup-ev.org. Place and time will be communicated after registration. A joint event with the Mobile Counseling against Right-Wing Extremism (mbr).
Campaign weeks against racism Charlottenburg-Wilmersdorf
Charlottenburg-Wilmersdorf is once again offering an extensive program on occasion of this year’s International Weeks.
It starts on March 11, 2024, from 13:00 with the kick-off day at “Pangea-Haus” intercultural meeting center with music, hands-on activities, and information events, among other things.
The workshop “Digital civil courage: active against hate on the internet” teaches everyone aged 15 and older how to recognize hate speech online, use counter-speech effectively, and protect themselves in the digital realm. An event organized by Demokratiebüro Charlottenburg-Wilmersdorf, Civic.Net and the district library at Halemweg; registration is required here. March 14, 2024, 17:30-20:30 at the district library at Halemweg.

On March 15, 2024 at 16:00, the Register Charlottenburg-Wilmersdorf and Mobile Stadtteilarbeit Wilmersdorf are offering a neighborhood walk of approximately 90 minutes to places of the so-called “New Right” in Wilmersdorf. Registration is required via cw@berliner-register.de.
During the neighborhood walk “Antiziganism in Charlottenburg”, the documentation center Dokumentationsstelle Antiziganismus (DOSTA) and the Register Charlottenburg-Wilmersdorf will highlight cases of discrimination against (perceived) Rom*nja. The event starts on March 19, 2024 at 17:00, registration is required via cw@berliner-register.de.
At the workshop “#blacklivesmatter! Learning solidarity, passing on life”, everyone not affected by racism will have the opportunity to learn more about anti-Black racism, strengthen their own anti-racist stance, and question their own ways of thinking. An event by r0g agency for open culture & critical transformation, place and time: OPEN CULTURE OFFICE, Knobelsdorffstr. 22, March 21, 2024, 15:00.
Neukölln – human chain in Alt-Rudow
The initiative “Rudow empört sich. Gemeinsam für Respekt und Vielfalt” is calling to join their human chain and rally on March 23, 2024, as in previous years. The meeting point is Alt-Rudow/Neudecker Weg at 11:00. In the call, the initiators caution against right-wing extremist and right-wing populist arguments:
„Making migrants and refugees the scapegoats for all unsolved problems not only fuels racism. Alleged individual perpetrators feel encouraged to carry out violent and terrorist attacks. Closed borders and deportations create neither additional housing nor affordable rents, neither lower energy prices nor less inflation.“
Source: Call “Rudow empört sich”
Internationale Wochen gegen Rassismus in Marzahn-Hellersdorf
The alliance “Bündnis für Demokratie und Toleranz” has published the complete program for the International Weeks in Marzahn-Hellersdorf on their website. Many events are aimed at children and young people, but others are open to everyone interested.
Young people aged 12 and older are invited to take part in an excursion to the permanent exhibition “Zurückgeschaut / looking back – Die Erste Deutsche Kolonialausstellung von 1896 in Berlin-Treptow” on March 16, 2024. The meeting point is 12:00 in front of Am Hultschi youth center. The destination is the Treptow Museum, the excursion ends at approx. 19:00. Registration via team.amhultschi@pad-berlin.de.

March 19, 2024, 17:00-20:00: Breaking the fast together as a “symbolic act of solidarity”: culinary delicacies as well as messages for tolerance and against racism are exchanged at the iftar reception at BENN Blumberger Damm on Marzahner Promenade 36. Open to all!
Under the slogan “Bunt statt Braun! Wir sprühen den Kiez schöner”, all girls, trans* and non-binary children and young people between the ages of 10 and 21 are invited to beutify the neighborhood with spray chalk on International Day against Racism, March 21, from 15:30-17:00. The meeting point is at Hella Klub for girls* and young women*.
The Documentation Center Dokumentationszentrum NS-Zwangsarbeit in Schöneweide is offering a public tour on the topic of “Football & Nazi Forced Labor and Barrack 13”. The tour provides an insight into the racist system of Nazi forced labor, which prohibited forced laborers from Eastern Europe in Berlin from playing soccer, among other things. Date and time: March 17, 2024, 13:00 – 15:00.
On March 22, 2024 at 17:00, in the auditorium of the Elisabeth schools at Edisonstraße 63, the panel discussion “10 Jahre ohne Henker & Hexogen – Schöner leben ohne Naziläden?” will take place. Numerous panelists will summarize how it was possible to force the closure of two central meeting points of the neo-Nazi scene in Schöneweide and what challenges remain for the present. An event hosted by Zentrum für Demokratie.
Moabit and Wedding
On March 13, 2024, the initiative “Gesicht Zeigen!“ is organizing a screening of the film “Amaro Filmos.” It portrays former young residents of a house near Ostbahnhof that has since been demolished and displaced the local community. Young Roma give an insight into their lives and thoughts. Afterwards there will be a discussion with the participants. The event starts at 19:30 at “Lernort 7xjung“ at Flensburger Str. 3 in the Hansaviertel district.
On March 22, 2024, the initiative „kiezmachen“ invites to take a stand against racism “publicly, creatively, sportily, and loudly”. From 16:00 to 21:00, there will be space for movement, fun, and exciting discussions at Unionsplatz on Siemensstraße.
Berlin-wide campaign events
The round table “Runder Tisch Antifaschismus” is mobilizing for a Berlin-wide rally in the government district, near Unter den Linden S-Bahn station, on March 16, 2024 at 14:00. Representatives of many associations, trade unions, and initiatives have joined forces at the round table.
The call states:
Like our partners in over twenty countries, we at the Anti-Fascism Round Table in Berlin are calling for protests on March 16, the International Day of Action against Racism and Fascism. United we are demonstrating against exclusion, stigmatization, Islamophobia, anti-Semitism, antiziganism, and all forms of racism. Together we demand safe escape routes, asylum and papers for refugees and migrants.
Source: Call “Runter Tisch Antifaschismus”
Hostility and attacks are part of everyday life for refugees and those affected by racism. Exclusion, oppression, and police violence determine the lives of People of Color and Black people.
On March 21, 2024, Berliner Landeszentrale für politische Bildung is organizing the conference “Antidiskriminierungspolitik als aktive Förderung – Strategien gegen institutionellen Rassismus.” The event will take place from 12:30 – 18:00 at Rotes Rathaus and is free of charge. The comprehensive program and the registration form can be found HERE.
Background information on the International Day against Racism
In 1966, the United Nations proclaimed March 21 as the “International Day to Overcome Racial Discrimination”. Since 1979, the United Nations has also invited all its member states to organize annual campaign weeks in solidarity with opponents and victims of racism.
This year, the International Weeks against Racism will be celebrated throughout Germany for the 28th time under the slogan “Human Rights for All!”. For more information, please refer to the foundation’s website.
This overview is not a comprehensive list of all events.