Commemorative event of the Jewish Community of Berlin
The Jewish community is organising a commemoration at the community centre in Fasanenstraße in Charlottenburg from 19:00, with speeches by the Governing Mayor of Berlin and the Ambassador of Israel, among others. The names of the 55,696 murdered Jews from Berlin from the memorial book will be read out. More information on the website of the Jewish Community.
Commemoration events in the districts (selection)
The institute Institut für Neue Soziale Plastik e.V. invites you to the film screening ” Erinnern heißt Leben ” (1988) by Róza Berger-Fiedler at 18:30 at Museum Lichtenberg. The film is about Jewish remembrance and state commemoration in the late GDR.
In Hohenschönhausen, the Protestant parish of Hohenschönhausen-Nord is organizing a memorial evening with memories of Jizchak Schwersenz, the former prayer leader of the small Hohenschönhausen synagogue. The event will begin at 19:00 at Am Berl 17.
At 18:00 at Mussehlstrasse 22 in Tempelhof, the desecration of the synagogue of israelitischer Religionsverein Neutempelhof, and Jewish life in the district will be commemorated.
At KIEZKLUB KES in Köpenick-Oberschöneweide, Olaf Ruhl will play Yiddish songs starting at 15:00.
At the memorial for the victims of tyranny behind Reinickendorf City Hall, a wreath-laying ceremony and a commemoration of the victims of the Czech village of Lidice, which was destroyed in 1942, will take place at 16:00. The mayor of the district and a student of Europäisches Gymnasium Bertha von Suttner will speak.
Several commemorative events are taking place in Marzahn-Hellersdorf. Already on November 8 at 15:30 there will be a reading by students from the district who will read from the book “Hingesehen – weggeschaut: The November Pogroms of 1938”. On the day itself, several “stumbling stone” walks will take place in the district, more information on the website of the Alliance for Democracy and Tolerance.
The annual commemoration ceremony “Gedenken am Stein” will be held in Reinickendorf (Frohnau) at Zeltinger Platz 18, starting at 18:00. Afterwards, a reading with musical accompaniment will take place at Johanneskirche Frohnau.
The Evangelical Church Berlin-Brandenburg-schlesische Oberlausitz invites you to participate in the “Gedenkweg“. It starts at 16:00 at Winterfeldplatz in Schöneberg. The memorial walk ends at the Jewish Community Center at Fasenenstraße.
Also in Schöneberg, the district mayor and the head of the district council invite to a wreath-laying ceremony and joint commemoration at the Memorial of the former Jewish Synagogue at Münchener Straße 38. Rabbi Teichtal will speak from the Torah. Starting time is 16:00.
A silent march in Wilmersdorf will be organized by Gottfried-Keller-Gymnasium together with the Walther-Rathenau-Gymnasium and Polizeiakademie Berlin. The meeting point is at 16:30 on the corner of Erdener Straße and Königsallee. The silent march will lead to “Gleis 17” at Grunewald train station, where a musical closing program will take place.
The district office and the district assembly Mitte offer a diverse commemorative program. At 11:00, a memorial event with students of Theodor-Heuss-Schule will take place at the memorial site Güterbahnhof Moabit. From this site, more than 30,000 people were deported to ghettos and extermination camps. Further commemorative events with students of various schools will also take place: at 11:00 at the memorial plaque at the Jewish Hospital at Heinz-Galinski-Strasse 1, at 11:45 at Siegmundshof Memorial, and at 12:30 at Levetzow Memorial.
In keeping with Primo Levi’s well-known phrase, “It has happened, and therefore it can happen again,” a memorial service will be held at the Jewish Cemetery at Große Hamburger Strasse 26 in Mitte from 15:00 to 21:00.
The town of Oranienburg near Berlin, in cooperation with the Sachsenhausen Memorial, is organizing a memorial walk entitled ” Oranienburg erinnert!” to mark the anniversary of the pogrom night. The commemorative walk begins at 14:00 at the memorial stone for the destroyed Jewish prayer house, runs along the train station and Bernauer Str., and ends at Barrack 38 in the Sachsenhausen Memorial.
Clean-up events for stumbling stones (Stolpersteine)
In many neighborhoods, there are clean-up events of stumbling stones every year around November 9. Please check for local announcements.
On November 4, the initiative “Leben im Parkviertel” is organizing a neighborhood walk “Kiezrundgang der Erinnerung 2023”. The walk is scheduled to start at 13:00 at Corker Straße 29 and covers ten stops. (Scheduled to end around 17:00.)
An anti-fascist alliance is calling for a commemorative rally under the slogan “Kein Vergeben – Kein Vergessen: Gedenken heißt Handeln“, at the memorial at Levetzow-Straße, followed by a demonstration from 18:00, leading through Moabit to the deportation memorial on Putlitzbrücke.

Further Events
On November 7 at 19:00, Michael Wildt, professor of history at Berlin’s Humboldt University, will give a lecture as part of the event “85 years ago. Anti-Jewish Terror. The November Pogroms of 1938” at the Topography of Terror Documentation Centre in Kreuzberg.
In memory of the pogrom, the alliance “Hufeisern gegen Rechts” and the Neukölln chapter of “Die Falken ” invite to the event “Rechter Kulturkampf an unseren Schulen – die Demokratie ist gefordert!” at 19:00 in the school auditorium of Fritz-Karsen-Schule, Onkel-Bräsig-Str. 76, Neukölln-Britz.