+++ as of 31.10.2024 +++
Note: Should there be any disruptions at commemorative events on November 9, it is advisable to be prepared. In collaboration with our affiliated project MBR, we have compiled recommendations for dealing with potential incidents HERE.
Memorial event organized by the Jewish Community of Berlin
On November 12, the Jewish community will hold a commemoration at the community center at Fasanenstraße 79-80 in Charlottenburg starting at 19:00. The names of the 55,696 murdered Berlin Jews from the Berlin Memorial Book will be read out loud. More information on the website of the Jewish Community.
Commemorative events in the districts on November 9, 2024 (selection)
The Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg District Office, the District Assembly and the Fraenkelufer Synagogue invite you to a memorial service with a wreath-laying ceremony at 12:00. The silent commemoration will take place at the Fraenkelufer Synagogue at Fraenkelufer 10.
A further commemoration in Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg will take place from 12:00 in front of the headquarters of the former Schocken Verlag publishing house. The commemoration in front of the former publishing house commemorates the destruction of Jewish culture and writing.
From 13:00 to 15:00, a narrated walk will take place under the slogan „Spurensuche zum jüdischen Leben“, which will take you past various stumbling blocks. A fee of EUR 12,00 is applicable for the tour which starts at Friedenstraße 3, 10249 Berlin.
In Berlin-Neukölln, the Evangelical Church Berlin-Brandenburg-schlesische Oberlausitz invites you to a concert with works by forgotten Jewish composers at 11:00. The concert will take place at the Genezareth Intercultural Center at Herrfurthplatz 14, 12049.
In memory of the pogroms, the alliance “Hufeisern gegen Rechts” invites you to a screening of the film “Gypsy” – a docudrama about the fate of the Sinto and boxer Johann “Rukeli” Trollmann at 7 pm in the rooms of the Britzer Bürgerverein e.V. Diakonie Haus Britz, Buschkrugallee 131, Neukölln-Britz.
The Lichtenberg district office invites you to a joint commemoration at the memorial stone for the former synagogue at Konrad-Wolf-Straße 92, 13055 Berlin from 11:00.
In Marzahn-Hellersdorf, several commemorative events will take place. At 16:00, the district office invites you to the event “Die Kunst des Erinnerns ” at Ausstellungszentrum Pyramide, Riesaer Straße 94. Information on further events, such as stumbling stone walks, can be found on the website of the Alliance for Democracy and Tolerance.
In Köpenick-Oberschöneweide, the granddaughter and great-granddaughter of resistance fighter Erich Busse will read from the family history at 18:00 at KIEZCLUB KES, Plönzeile 4, Schöneweide. The reading is organized by the group Stolpersteingruppe Schöneweide and the Kiezclub KES.
In Schöneberg, the district mayor and head of the district council are inviting people to lay a wreath and hold a minute of silence at the memorial to the former Jewish synagogue at Münchener Straße 38, starting at 16:00.
There will also be a life melody concert called “Melodic Memories”. It starts at 19:00 at Apostel-Paulus-Kirche in Schöneberg. Registration is required to attend.
A vigil will be held at the memorial plaque in front of Wittenbergplatz underground station in the Schöneberg district of Berlin from 17:00 under the slogan “Gegen Antisemitismus, Rassismus und rechtes Gedankengut-NIE WIEDER!“ The commemoration is initiated by the union Gewerkschaft Erziehung und Wissenschaft Berlin (GEW).
The Protestant Academy in Berlin, Action Reconciliation Service for Peace and the French Church in Berlin are inviting people to join a memorial service entitled ”Fragmente des Widerstands Gottesdienst zum Gedenken an die Novemberpogrome 1938“ starting at 19:00.
The service will take place in Berlin Mitte at Französische Friedrichstadtkirche zu Berlin, Gendarmenmarkt 5, 10117 Berlin.
The protestant parish “Am Weinberg” is calling to join their commemoration in the Sophienkirche at Große Hamburger Straße 29/30, 10115 Berlin from 19:30. The director of Anne Frank Center will give a speech. Afterwards, there will be a walk in silence.
The initiative “Omas gegen Rechts” calls for participation in the commemoration event “Gemeinsames Gedenken – 9. November”. It will take place from 17:30-22:00 in front of the Memorial to the Jewish Victims of Fascism at Große Hamburger Straße 26, 10115 Berlin.
The initiative is also calling for a relay vigil in front of the memorial on Koppenplatz from 11:00 to 17:00.
A wreath-laying ceremony and commemoration of the victims of the Czech town of Lidice, which was destroyed in 1942, will take place at 11:00 at the memorial for the victims of tyranny behind Reinickendorf town hall. The district mayor and a student of the European High School Bertha von Suttner will give speeches.
The annual “Gedenken am Stein” will take place from 18:00 in Reinickendorf (Frohnau) at Zeltinger Platz 18. The commemoration will take place on the forecourt of St. John’s Church in Frohnau and will be followed by a reading.
In Berlin-Hermsdorf, the alliance “Hermsdorf steht vereint” is calling to join their commemorative event entitled “Protest against right-wing extremism and populism”. It starts at 12:00 at Max-Beckmann-Platz.
In Spandau, the district office is hosting a memorial service with representatives of the Jewish Community of Berlin at 10:00 in front of Lindenufer / Sternbergpromenade memorial.
In the Matthäus-Kirche parish in Steglitz, at Schloßstraße 44, 12165 Berlin, a regional service will be held from 18:00 to commemorate the progroms.
Stumbling stone cleaning campaigns
In many neighborhoods cleaning campaigns for the commemorative stumbling stones “Stolpersteine“ take place every year around November 9. Check local announcements.
DGB-Kreisverband Mitte is organizing a joint cleaning of stumbling stones at 12:00. Meeting point is the subway station Afrikanische Straße, exit Londoner Straße. Click HERE to see the announcement.
Initiated by Bund der Antifaschistinnen und Antifaschisten Treptow e.V., the Stumbling Stone for Henry Jacobson will be installed at 17:00 at Treptower Park 49, Alt-Treptow.
In Steglitz, the Markus-Gemeinde parish is organizing a stumbling stone walk with cleaning of the stones, starting at 14:00 at Markuskirche, Karl-Stieler-Straße 8a.
Commemorative rally and demonstration
Under the slogan “Kein Vergeben – Kein Vergessen: Gedenken heißt Handeln”, an anti-fascist alliance is calling to join their memorial rally at Levetzow-Straße memorial followed by a demonstration leading through Moabit to the deportation memorial on Putlitzbrücke from 17:00. The call for the demonstration addresses the current challenges for anti-fascist remembrance due to increased attacks on the culture of remembrance by right-wing extremists, as well as the anti-Semitic desecration of memorials following the Hamas massacre of October 7, 2023.

Poster: Commemorative rally and demonstration in Moabit on November 9, 2024
Further events
“Mut zum Leben“: A film evening about the message of the Auschwitz survivors will take place on November 8 at the Meerbaumhaus at Siegmunds Hof 20 in Berlin-Tiergarten.
The exhibition “… damit wir nicht vergessen“ can also be visited on November 8. The exhibition, which deals with commemoration and remembrance of the Shoa, is open from 15:00 to 20:00 and located in the council chamber of Lichtenberg town hall at Möllendorffstraße 6, 10367 Berlin.
Also on November 8, the city of Oranienburg near Berlin will commemorate the former Jewish prayer house on the corner of Havelstraße and Neringstraße in cooperation with the Jewish community and the Christian congregations. Alexander Büttner, anti-Semitism commissioner in the state of Brandenburg, will be the guest speaker. The event starts at 11:00.
On the same day, the Buckinwa e.V. association invites you to a joint concert by the Hebrew Choir Berlin (HCB) and the Avihayil Choir from Israel to commemorate the pogrom night, starting at 18:00 in the parish church of Buckow (Märkische Schweiz).
On November 10, the 4th Köpenick Synagogue Concert will take place from 17:00 in the hall of “Freiheit Fünfzehn”, Freiheit 15, 12555 Berlin. The former Jewish place of worship in the immediate vicinity was demolished and desecrated by SA members on November 9, 1938.