Citizens of Neuruppin flip off the NPD – a unique exhibition

Initiatives against Nazis often use large posters – especially along routes of Nazi demonstrations – to show their protest in a simple yet effective way. The press is not able to take a picture of a Nazi demonstration without having to include a clear anti-Nazi message in the background as well.

Which was exactly what happened at the party convention of NPD in November 2011: The “Aktionsbündnis gegen rechte Gewalt, Rechtsextremismus und Fremdenfeindlichkeit” and the “Aktionsbündnis Neuruppin bleibt bunt” installed an exhibition with large photos of citizens of Neuruppin in the local cultural center, Kulturzentrum Stadtgarten. On these photos, the citizens showed their antipathy towards NPD by flipping them off, showing their tongue, folding their arms or doing whatever they wanted to show their protest against NPD.

Due to a directive, the city was obligated to rent out Kulturzentrum Stadtgarten to NPD for their national convention. Prior to the convention, however, the exhibition “Neuruppin has a clear standpoint – against Nazis” was officially opened. The exhibition lasted for one month – also during the time NPD held their convention.

Thus, NPD’s leadership had to hold their press conference in front a poster with the slogan “Neuruppin has a clear standpoint – against Nazis”.