This year, we celebrate our 10th anniversary! At the official launch of BERLIN AGAINST NAZIS in early March 2014 at TIPI AM KANZLERAMT, representatives of our partners Vattenfall, LSVD Berlin-Brandenburg, Verdi, and Türkiyemspor Berlin, as well as the Senator for Labor, Integration and Women of the State of Berlin at the time, Dilek Kalayci, were present. For the occasion, the new jerseys of Türkiyemspor’s women’s team were presented, with BERLIN GEGEN NAZIS as their ‘sponsor’.

10 years of BERLIN GEGEN NAZIS. That is:
✅ 10 years of information for Berlin’s civil society
We provide committed and interested Berliners with reliable information on the Berlin assembly situation and opportunities to take a stand for a democratic urban society.
✅ 10 years of commitment within a strong community network
We connect more than 80 partners from the fields of arts, culture, business, sport, children’s and youth work, trade unions, clubs, associations, and migrant self-organizations with committed people from initiatives and alliances in a cross-spectrum, constantly growing network.
✅ 10 years of ideas and advice for protest and positioning in everyday life
We provide suggestions for preparing creative campaigns for successful protest events and provide ideas for many different ways of taking a stand for everyone.
✅ 10 years of working towards Berlin without right-wing extremism, anti-Semitism, racism and conspiracy ideology.
Together with our partners, we stand united with everyone who speaks out and takes a stand where right-wing extremists try to occupy urban spaces with their contemptuousness.

However, we do not not wish to merely self-celebrate our project, but take the opportunity of our anniversary to remember successful protests, actions, and campaigns that we have taken part in and organized together with many committed people over the past ten years. In the coming months, we will present some milestones of the decade of project work on social media. We sincerely wish to be around for a little longer to support civil society initiatives in their commitment against right-wing extremism, racism, anti-Semitism, and conspiracy ideology, and to keep Berlin’s cosmopolitan society in the loop with information and updates.
So here’s to the next ten years, and thank you so much for tagging along!
Photos: Berlin gegen Nazis