Berlin gegen Nazis’ broad partner network from culture, associations and business enables all partners to position themselves sustainably both internally and externally and networks the actors in this city for their joint commitment. In the past year, the network has grown by fifteen new partners. Among them are many new actors from the field of children and youth work. In the meantime, more than eighty companies, associations and institutions have positioned themselves with a partnership with Berlin against Nazis.
For the first time, individual organizations from Berlin against Nazis’ partner network have come together and signed a joint position paper under the title #Berlinspieltbunt against right-wing extremism, racism and anti-Semitism.
The paper states, among other things:
We, as actors in the city of Berlin’s children’s and youth work – including youth recreational facilities, adventure playgrounds, educational organizations, and children’s and youth theaters – are part of Berlin gegen Nazis’ partner network. Together with many other individuals and institutions, we clearly position ourselves against right-wing extremism, racism and anti-Semitism in our work and beyond. It is therefore particularly important to us to set a joint signal for this year’s International Day against Racism on March 21, 2021.
Strengthening children and youth in their fundamental democratic attitude
n our everyday work, we are committed to human and children’s rights. In our facilities, we always discuss current affairs and hold and carry out controversies on the basis of fundamental democratic rights. In the current pandemic, social issues are becoming more critical, which is why we are challenged more than ever in our work to take a stand against tendencies that threaten democracy by simplistic answers, conspiracy narratives, anti-Semitism, racism and against right-wing extremism. At the same time, we empower children and young people in their diversity, cultural and political participation, and in sharing their perspectives on the world in solidarity.
Diversity, non-violence and equality
Children’s and youth work is always also the commitment for a democratic and human rights-oriented society. We act as stakeholders in the districts and stimulate discussions. And we take a stand: Wherever misanthropic arguments are voiced, National Socialist crimes are denied, and specific population groups are blamed for social problems. As role models, we stand for diversity, non-violence and equality. In our daily work and also in our public roles, we show: Here are organizations clearly positioning themselves for human rights and an open society based on solidarity. In this way, we also strive to motivate everyone to get involved.
Positionspapier #Berlinspieltbunt – Akteur_innen der Berliner Kinder- und Jugendarbeit gegen Rechtsextremismus, Rassismus und Antisemitismus

A total of thirteen signatories signed the joint position paper „#Berlinspieltbunt – gegen Rechtsextremismus, Rassismus und Antisemitismus“:
- Abenteuerlicher Bauspielplatz Kolle 37
- Archiv der Jugendkulturen e.V.
- CABUWAZI Grenzkultur gGmbH
- eins e.V. / Mellowpark
- FamilienZentrum Fabrik Osloer Straße e.V.
- FVAJ e.V.
- GenerationenRaum gGmbH
- GRIPS Theater
- Neue Chance gGmbH
- offensiv‘91 e.V.
- pad gGmbH
- Stiftung Haus der kleinen Forscher
- UNBOX – Evangelischer Kirchenkreis Berlin Stadtmitte
- Verein für aktive Vielfalt e.V.
For the publication of the position paper, individual actorstaken parts parts of the position paper to compose music and written video statements to clarify and make visible their own motivations: the employees of eins e.V. / Mellowpark, the director of Leiter des GRIPS-Theaters Philipp Harpein and Cabuwazi Grennzkultur gGmbH.
pad gGmbH Neue Chance gGmbH all eins e.V. / Mellowpark UNBOX – Evangelischer Kirchenkreis Berlin Stadtmitte GRIPS Theater Cabuwazi Grenzkultur gGmbH
The network has announced a joint Berlin-wide topic week for August. At that time, the institutions will work closely with children and young people on the topics of racism, right-wing extremism and anti-Semitism. There is the possibility for further interested actors to join the networking.
More information about the campaign can also be found on all social media channels using the hashtag #berlinspieltbunt.