All posts by bgn_1

faktura gGmbH

faktura gGmbH is an ecological, creative, and social enterprise in the heart of Berlin. Our company offers people whose labour performance is impaired a relaxed yet stimulating working environment for vocational rehabilitation. Whether in our manufactories and public canteens, or manual and technical workplaces, faktura … Continue reading »

Boxgirls Berlin e.V.

Boxgirls Berlin e.V. is a feminist, queer, anti-racist association dedicated to inspiring, motivating, and supporting girls* and women* to achieve independence, agency, and courage in their neighborhoods and communities so that they can become dynamic spaces of inclusion, equal opportunities, and safety. Boxgirls strives to do … Continue reading »

MeG – assisted living gGmbH

MeG – betreutes Wohnen gGmbH („Migrant_innen erster Generation“) was established in 2012 as a result of a cooperation between the associations Zentrum ÜBERLEBEN and PROWO e.V. At MeG, adults who have migrated to Germany, in particular individuals who have experienced displacement or flight, and who suffer from one or more … Continue reading »