Taking a stance on social media

  • Share

You are on facebook, twitter, or instagram? Share posts reporting on planned neo-Nazi rallies or racist gatherings. Forward this information to your network.

  • Position yourself with a share pic or statement

Sites such as https://no-hate-speech.de/de/kontern/fuer-gegen-alle-hate-speech/ provide fitting share pics, memes, gifs, videos, and statements to add to your profile. You are of course welcome to add our logo to your page, too.

  • Position yourself with a photo

Of course there is the option to take a selfie with a banner or sticker against racism and right-wing extremism and add it to your account. We have equipment available to position yourself. Check here: Protest equipment to order.

  • Establish clear rules on your forum or platform

If you are an administrator of a platform yourself, it is advisable to establish clear rules from the start and prior to any incidents, and to have your provider comply with such rules as well.

If you are authorized to take decisions, you can act immediately. If you are a mere user of a forum, you should contact the hosts and communicate your concern in writing. Possible demands to the forum administrators could be:

We expect our users and authors to reject right-wing extremist ideologies. We will in particular delete contributions with racist, anti-Semitic, homophobic, and antidemocratic content. Contributions with no relation to the topic will be deleted as well.

Commentary fulfilling the legal offense of sedition, hate speech, slander, or libel will be deleted, as will be instigation of violence.

Insults, abuse, disparagement, or similar are unwelcome and will be deleted by the moderators.

Upon encountering a violation of these rules, please contact us via email with the respective mention, the contributor’s name, and a note on the circumstances.

  • Make use of report centers

Almost all social media offer the option to report abusive behavior and racist content. The higher the number of reports, the more likely racist content will be eliminated from the network.

  • Our recommendation

On the topic of hate speech on the web specifically, we recommend: https://hateaid.org/

A site providing help with countering hate speech by way of memes, gifs, slogans, and videos, is https://no-hate-speech.de/de/kontern/fuer-gegen-alle-hate-speech/. The aim of this Europe-wide campaign is to develop counter strategies and help those affected.

#ichbinhier – #ichbinhier is a group whose members join discussions in public commentary sections. They support each other and show they will not give way to the agitators but that they are here as well. https://www.ichbinhier.eu/

Das Nettz – Die Vernetzungsstelle gegen Hetze is fostering a constructive culture of debate and invites to build alliances against hate speech and agitation and come up with (creative) solutions. https://www.das-nettz.de/

Netzpolitik.org – platform for digital right of freedom. https://netzpolitik.org/

Belltower News – news platform and network for the digital civic society: https://www.belltower.news/

Online Civil Courage Initiative (OCCI) –OCCI is an initiative co-founded by facebook providing facts from politics, science, and social life to counter hate speech and agitation on the web. They publish an annual report: https://www.isdglobal.org/programmes/communications-technology/online-civil-courage-initiative-2/