Safety during protests

When protesting against right-wing extremist and racist rallies, problematic situations, chaotic moments, and conflictual encounters with right-wing extremists may occur. It is thus advisable to prepare beforehand and think of likely scenarios, communicate necessary agreements.

  • Protests: getting there and away again

It is always advisable to avoid going to a demonstration alone, and to organize joint travel to and from the event. A group will provide support and protection in case of doubt. See also:, Seite 09

  • Disruption, insults or threats on location at the protest event

During protest events you organized yourselves, your assembly leader or manager is in direct contact with the police. This liaison officer can be alerted to threats on location. In case of announcement of disruption prior to the event, these should also be reported to your liaison officer. Find further info on the topic in the following brochure:, S. 98ff

In the case of insults or threats, you should file a complaint with the police. However, it is part of the strategy of right-wing extremists to obtain private addresses through legal confrontation. There are ways of avoiding this. We recommend the MBR’s brochure: „Wachsam sein!“


Should you witness any incident with a right-wing extremist, or be affected yourself, write down a protocol of the incident from memory as soon as possible. A verbatim from memory always contains the most important questions on the issue: What happened? Where did it happen? When? To whom? Please also contact ReachOut and/or MBR to report the incident with them as well.